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The Low Down on Heavy Metals and How to Detox


Heavy metals are elements naturally found in the earth's crust. In our society, we are surrounded by various heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, copper, iron, lead, mercury, and zinc. Not all heavy metals are toxic, like iron and copper, which are essential for maintaining health, but overloads can cause serious health effects.

Symptoms of Heavy Metal Toxicity

Now this depends on the level of exposure. Acute toxicity occurs from a high dose at once, like a chemical spill or a child ingesting a toy containing heavy metals. Acute toxicity is a medical emergency, requiring urgent care or contact with your local poison control center. Chronic toxicity involves low-dose exposure over a prolonged period, leading to a gradual buildup of heavy metals in the body. Symptoms develop slowly and may include:

Common signs and symptoms of heavy metal toxicity


  • Brain: Memory loss, headaches, irritability, depression, lack of concentration

  • Digestive system: Constipation, nausea, poor appetite

  • Nervous system: Damage – numbness or tingling at the extremities

  • Body: fatigue, muscle or joint pain

  • Cardiovascular: high blood pressure

  • Kidneys: abnormal function or damage


  • Brain: Behavioural problems, lowered IQ, learning disabilities

  • Body: decreased bone and muscle growth

  • Kidneys: damage

  • Nervous system: damage

  • Blood: anemia

Heavy Metals and Chronic Illness

Toxic heavy metals can trigger health problems and chronic diseases. The increase in environmental pollution of air, food, water, and cosmetics with toxic heavy metals significantly contributes to many chronic inflammation-related diseases. 

Most instances of toxic heavy metal accumulation arise from prolonged low-level exposure. They accumulate in tissues such as the brain, liver, kidneys, and nervous system, contributing to tissue aging and raising the risk of chronic diseases and cancer. They also deplete the body's antioxidants, leading to free radical damage to organs and tissues. The buildup of heavy metals and reduction of antioxidants has been linked to autoimmune diseases, thyroid disorders, cardiovascular issues, and neurodegeneration. For example, there is a link between lead and mercury and Alzheimer's disease.

Toxic heavy metals accumulate not from a single source or large exposure, but through chronic, low-level exposures over time. This is why it is crucial to clean up your surroundings, food, water and maintain a high vibration in your body.

Common Sources of Heavy Metal Exposure

  • Lead: found in drinking water, paint, cosmetics, makeup, petrol, pipes, storage batteries, candles, toys

  • Arsenic: rice, drinking water, wood preservatives, herbicides, pesticides, paint

  • Cadmium: found in drinking water, paint, cigarettes, tattoo ink, plastics, fertilizers, and food grown in contaminated soil and groundwater

  • Aluminium: found in deodorant, antacids, food additives, tin cans, and tin foil

  • Copper: associated with birth control (IUD), cookware, pipes, and cables/wires

  • Mercury: found in dental amalgams, light bulbs, thermometers, electrical equipment, and nigh food-chain fish such as tuna

  • Nickel: present in earrings and jewellery, orthodontics, coins, zippers, and mining


According to some "conspiracy" theorists, there has been an increase in chemical trails, also known as chemtrails, which many people know nothing about. These trails, unlike condensation trails, do not dissipate quickly into the atmosphere. There is now evidence which confirms the presence of there being harmful chemical elements in the trails. The analyses carried out have verified the presence of the following elements: barium, aluminium, radioactive thorium and caesium, copper, titanium, silicon, lithium, cobalt, lead, ethylene dibromide and several pathogenic agents.

Reducing Heavy Metals in the Body

  1. Filter your water. I distill mine.

  2. Drink water! Adding lemon or cucumber can boost hydration.

  3. Eat organic, whole foods in their natural state as much as possible, to minimise herbicides and pesticides.

  4. Use ‘clean’ or ‘natural’ personal care products, makeup and beauty products.

  5. Cook and bake in ‘clean’ cookware, such as stainless steel or ceramic. Ditch the non-stick Teflon coated cookware.

  6. Soak your grains/rice at a few hours before cooking. Rice is high in arsenic, and soaking helps to reduce the amount.

  7. Sweat! Sweating helps the body detoxify not only heavy metals, but also other environmental toxins and mycotoxins from mould. You can sweat either by exercise or sauna (normal or infrared).

  8. Eat plenty of Antioxidants – consider supplementing with nutrients like vitamin C, glutathione,  curcumin or NAC

  9. Eat a diet that includes cruciferous vegetables, berries, garlic, vitamin c, cilantro, chlorella and turmeric

  10. Binders – binders attract, bind to and eliminate toxins specifically for heavy metals - try zeolite and activated charcoal

  11. Lymphatic drainage massage - assists the body to drain and eliminate harmful heavy metals and chemicals

Frequency Healing and Heavy Metal Detox

It is widely known that maintaining a high frequency can allow the body to function at its true potential. You have more energy and a better immune response when you do come into contact with pathogens. There are many ways to maintain a high frequency, but it has to be a choice, a lifestyle. A daily practice of mediation, movement, healthy eating and enough water will be most beneficial. Surrounding yourself with uplifting people, crystals, nature and sound frequencies are extremely beneficial. Any then there is FREQUNCY HEALING ITSELF!

The Spooky2 Rife machine that I use utilises frequency-based technology to stimulate the body’s natural detoxification processes, helping to release and eliminate toxins and heavy metals. It will detoxify the body by decreasing high iron levels, removing garbage and toxins from the blood and supporting the liver to dissolve toxins and cleanse infections. To really get your head around it, think about it like this: everything has a frequency... heavy metals, viruses, the chair, the wine glass... when the Spooky2 machine emits very specific frequencies into the body, they will disrupt the structure of those that they are targeting, just like how an opera singer can shatter wine glass at the right pitch.

I offer a very deep 3-session heavy metal detox program. It involves using the Spooky2, a binder drink, crystals, sound frequencies and meditation. It is a commitment of 3 sessions in 4 weeks and, if you are suffering from any of the symptoms above, it will change your life.

Based in Freshwater, Sydney, book in here!

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